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Choose Your Package

Please get in touch if you require further information.

  • Bronze

    Perfect as a taster to see how KC Coaching works for you
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Personalised calorie plan (plus macros if appropriate)
    • Regular check-in style coaching sessions
    • Motivation & support to achieve your personal goals
    • Advice & guidance for improving your relationship with food
    • Advice & guidance for building healthy habits
    • Access to your coach via text or WhatsApp messaging
    • Lifetime membership to the KC Coaching community
    • 4 weeks of one to one coaching
  • Silver

    Ideal for starting out on your weight loss journey
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • Personalised calorie plan (plus macros if appropriate)
    • Regular check-in style coaching sessions
    • Motivation & support to achieve your personal goals
    • Advice & guidance for improving your relationship with food
    • Advice & guidance for building healthy habits
    • Access to your coach via text or WhatsApp messaging
    • Lifetime membership to the KC Coaching community
    • 8 weeks of one to one coaching
  • Gold

    Great for those with a longer-term goal
    Valid for 12 weeks
    • Personalised calorie plan (plus macros if appropriate)
    • Regular check-in style coaching sessions
    • Motivation & support to achieve your personal goals
    • Advice & guidance for improving your relationship with food
    • Advice & guidance for building healthy habits
    • Access to your coach via text or WhatsApp messaging
    • Lifetime membership to the KC Coaching community
    • 12 weeks of one to one coaching
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